
A Tale of Two Cities
The Complete Short Stories
Fahrenheit 451
Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Navigators of Dune
End of Watch
The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights
Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
King Henry VI, Part 3
King Henry VI, Part 2
Henry VI, Part 1
King Henry IV, Part Two
King Henry IV, Part 1
Richard II
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
The Rosie Effect
On the Nature of Things
So Anyway


Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Calumnist Malefesto

The Calumnist Malefesto
Benoit Chartier

The following ISBNs are associated with this title:
ISBN - 10: 1482333465
ISBN - 13: 9781482333466

From the Publisher
May 4, 2013

An eclectic new collection of twelve short stories, The Calumnist Malefesto: And Other Improbable Yarns offers a glimpse into important and universal themes in today’s culture while employing an enjoyable and unique approach. Excitedly telling the stories of a young reader, an Afghan girl and her alien pet, two freedom fighters, a stranded extraterrestrial, an elderly gentleman and his long awaited visitor, a Japanese boy, Purgatory’s exam room, a humanoid android, a resuscitated astrophysicist, and a few others, the book uses an assortment of amusing stories to connect readers to the deeper underlying messages. While the stories’ characters are all different, they must all take steps to overcome their particular situations, and how they go about it will affect their realities forever. The Calumnist Malefesto explores the universal themes of religious belief, love, acceptance, tolerance, hatred, and the nature of humanity. Employing science-fiction and semi-theological themes, these entertaining stories are conveyed with serious underlying messages. Many of these wonderful stories employ a lighthearted approach to soften the underlying dramatic nature of the messages. An excellent collection of stories that span a wide array of serious and insightful themes, this fantastic book will keep readers engrossed from the opening pages. Truly offering something for everyone, The Calumnist Malefesto runs the gamut between science-fiction, fantasy-theological, and plain fictional works. With underlying themes that bind them together, the book’s varying genres add a priceless excitement and flexibility to the messages that it’s trying to convey. Written in an accessible manner that makes it an easy and enjoyable read, this enlightening collection of stories is perfect for readers from all walks of life. Written to resonate with readers on many different levels, The Calumnist Malefesto offers multiple stories, with no clear focus, yet all with deeper, sometimes philosophical, meanings. From freedom fighters to stranded extraterrestrials, this amazing collection offers something for everyone to enjoy, while exploring the critical themes that affect us all. An excitingly eclectic mix of fiction, this wonderful collection will keep readers thinking long after the last page has turned.

Smell The Book Review
8.5 out of 10


Short stories are a different mindset for some. There isn't much room for full character development and the stories can fall flat without a lot of background. 

Mr. Chartier does not have any of these issues with his wonderful and witty collection of short stories.

The note from the publisher doesn't do this collection justice. I was pleasantly surprised by these 12 shorts. The stories are clever, original and inventive.
I knew I was going to like Benoit Chartier's book of short stories as soon as I finished the first one; the story for which the whole book is named, "The Calumnist Malefesto". I saw myself in the character Brian. I am Brian, I was Brian in school and I related to Brian however briefly I saw his interactions with girls in the opening story, all of three pages.  I was hooked!
I typically know if I am going to like an author once I decide if I like their "voice". Their style, their way of writing. And I adored Mr. Chartier's voice immensely. The stories, though some of them are very short, deal with some major issues in a clever and entertaining style. A spousal abuse story where the bride turns the tide on her abuser in a very justified manner, AI and the abuse of phone technology where the AI shines a light on the shallowness of the race to be the best/richest/most popular, alternate realities, infinite universes or simply divine intervention in saving people from certain death? same sex marriage, aliens and other topics, all with an interesting twist and from a unique point of view.
I do have one complaint with Mr. Chartier's  stories. They are too short! Please tell me there is a longer novel somewhere on the horizon as I would love to see some of these subjects, or at least enjoy his talent fleshed out into a longer work.

8.5 out of 10.


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